With a much anticipated duel between the upstart Falcon and the very established Bastille workout, it was quite obvious the people’s choice as 21 PAX arrived for a Friday “beast” session.

We ran down to the track for a lap before warm-up.

SSH x 20

Merkins x 20

MC x 20

Dry Docks x 20

LBC x 20

Russian hammer x 20

WMH x 20

BAC x 10

Reverse x 10


The thang consisted of the beast.  I heard “coco’s” name mentioned many times and not in good light.  Something about not being able to handle this.  The group lined up on the endline for the beast.

sprint to the 10 yard line for 6 merkins, sprint back

sprint to the 10 for 6 merkins, sprint to the 20 for 6 mountain climbers, sprint back

sprint to the 10 for 6 merkins, 20 for 6 MCs, to the 30 for 6 dry docks, sprint back

sprint to the 10 for 6 merkins, 20 for 6 MCs, 30 for dry docks, 40 for LBCs, 50 for Russian hammers, and ended with burpees.  you know the drill by now.

2nd round was the same but with a walking lunge.

3rd round was the same but with a bear crawl

We ran out of time but did a few usain bolts and ended with Mary of LBCs.

It was a great day and we had 4 FNGs.  Huge props to Novocaine who crushed it as a new guy and is 58.