It had been quite a while since stepping on the Williams Park / Lynn Rd Elem grounds, both to Q and post.  Considering I live 1 mile from the site, I felt compelled to get back out and lead the workout.  Glad I did, as the small yet sturdy PAX of 7 brought various reasons to celebrate and thank God on this day.  The clock struck 5:45, disclaimer tossed out — YHC was a bit concerned about Showcase’s shoulder (just sounds so shitty) — and we were off.

Warm Up

Indian Run dirt track … head over to bball court
10 Burpees OYO
Merkins X20  4 count
Ski Abs X20 ‘ ‘
Windmill X15 ‘ ‘
GM X10 ‘ ‘
Squats X10  ‘ ‘

Mosey around the back of the school … YHC thought he’d be “cute” and throw in a plank walk on the first rails we came to.  The things were about 10 feet apart #Fail.. maybe Overdraft could’ve pulled it off.  We collected at the far side of school at the hill and partnered up.

The Thang

Rd 1
P1 — sprint to hill, bear crawl up, 10 merkins, bear crawl down, sprint back
P2 — People’s Chair

P1 — gorilla walk to hill, bear crawl up, 10 wide grip merkins, bear crawl down, sprint back
P2 — Maktar N’Diaye

P1 — gorilla walk to hill, bear crawl up, 10 wide grip merkins, bear crawl down, sprint back
P2 — mtn climbers

Flapjack each time, of course

Once done we did little Ballz 2 Wall, recovered, and moseyed over to the picnic table shelter


Keep partner for a little Catch me if you … P1 does 5 carolina dry docks while P2 starts running the loop.  P1 then races to catch P2, who when caught does 5 dry docks… keep that up until both are back at shelt
20 lunge jumps
20 Dying cockroach

Rinse, repeat, with 20 merkins, 20 squats at the shelter the next time
Picnic Tables
alt left-right stepup X20
box jump X20
Irkins X20
dips X20
derkins X10
box jump X20


Merkins X20 on down


Showcase revealed that he was celebrating his 50th birthday at The Crucible, and he had his 2.0 “Roddy Rod” with him.  He said he heard “Respect” in previous COTs and said he couldn’t wait to hear it for himself.  RESPECT sir!

Overdraft and M celebrating their 24th anniversary … prayers for a continued strong marriage in year 25!

Prayers for Orwell and family

Orwell took us out



As you just read, celebratory milestones for the PAX on this day.  It also made me think of all of the other reasons for celebration with the group we had:

* Orwell, for his love of Christ, F3, and children.  You’re an inspiration sir! (and you convinced me to join the Fold, that counts for something)

* Wilson, for always being himself and providing comic relief… that’s always welcome on a #redpill morning

* Papercut, always bringing a positive attitude… and the biggest truck to the site (battle with Cherie Berry)

* For our health, well-being, our Lord & Savior… we have a lot to celebrate everyday


Always a privilege to lead, love every minute of it.

