Saturday, November 15, 2014 is the day…..
0300 is the time….
Brier Creek Community Center is the where…
3.5 hour 7-10 mile ruck event is the what…
Why? Why not 😉
Come join your Quickhatch F3 brothers for a little ruck training Nov 15th. We leave out at 3am and go exploring the Brier Creek area. Candlestick, your Q, has several little goodies/surprises lined up for us along the way. So if you are thinking about the GoRuck Heavy, Go Ruck Custom, want to put some more mileage on your ruck, want to try out rucking, or just like carrying logs at 315 in the morning then this event is for you! There are no ruck weight requirements and no prior ruck experience requirements. Pace will be 2.5 to 3 miles per hour. We do recommend bringing water, fuel, and a headlamp for the event. We have spare rucks if you need us to provide one. Please indicate so on the signup form below. The morning will culminate at 7am with a double down at Weekend Crick (assuming you are man enough)! Time to post gentlemen!
Signup here: