Calling all the men in the Southern Pines/Pinehurst/Aberdeen/Carthage/Ft. Bragg Metro area! Time to get your workout shoes on and grab your neighbor and meet us for a good old fashioned, stretch your lungs out morning. We will hit the gloom promptly at 6:30 am with a hard stop at 7:30 am.
Our workouts are designed to challenge all fitness levels. All ages are encouraged to attend. This is “you against you”.
Come find out what means to do a merkin, side-straddle hop, dirty mcduece and a superman.
Make sure to bring a dry shirt and join us for coffee near by and a little fellowship.
Plan to arrive at 6:20 am for some pre-workout fellowship.
Downtown Park in Southern Pines will be where we kick this thing off. Look for the newly minted Sandhills Shovelflag.
F3 has had a major impact on the communities around the Carolinas over the past 3 years. Let you and the Sandhills be next.
Follow us on twitter. @f3sandhills @f3nation
See you in the gloom!
Crotch Rocket
(yep you get a nickname)