A group of 5 pax came out to Cletus ready to close out the week strong before the holiday weekend.

Warm UP

Quick jog around the parking before going into 20 SSH, 20 Mountain Climbers, 15 Windmills.

The Thang

In honor of the year of our Declaration of Independence we started this off with a sprint of 1776 feet or 0.3363636 miles around the track.  After the pax caught their breath, we headed off to grab a rock for an overhead carry to the pavilion area.

The pax discarded the rocks on the tracks to prepare for 4 stations of exercise that would be repeated 7 times in honor of July 4th.   1st station was 10 reps of chest press with a rock while holding six inches, 2nd station was down the hill to the pavilion for 10 reps box jumps on the pavilion wall, 3rd station was 10 reps of Spiderman Merkins, and the 4th station was be 10 reps of rotating jump squats.  While traveling between the stations the pax did an evolution of man. 1 set – crab walk, 2nd set – bear crawl, 3rd set – lunge walk, 4th set – frog jumps, 5th set – run, 6th set – run faster, 7th set – run really fast.  Each station was about 50 feet apart.

To finish things off we did an overhead carry of the rocks back up the hill to the rock pile and jogged back to the parking lot for a quick COT.


We were at time and needed to jump right into COT.


Prayers sent up for Moby’s wife as they are soon to have their 3rd child and she has been on bed rest for the past few weeks.