What a great morning! F3 South Wake is continuing to grow stronger! Today the PAX got to know each other a little better because this morning’s workout included all partner work. 13 PAX was a great showing at Kenny’s Grave and it was great to be back as the Q after almost a month of being out. The PAX stepped up over the past couple of weeks to lead at Kenny’s Grave. The rain held off which is good, because we had some hill work to do today.



Jog around the track and warm up in the parking lot.

SSH x20

Imperial Walkers x15

Good Mornings x10



‘Merkin Clock’

1st complete 12 Merkins; walk hands to 9 o’clock and do 9 Merkins; walk hands to 6 o’clock, 3 o’clock, 7 o’clock (with some holds in between)…36 total Merkins.


‘Cinder March with Some Hills’

½ the PAX run up and down the hills while ½ the PAX walk around the parking lot with the cinder blocks. Hold out front for 20 steps then hold up high for 20 steps. Return to your partner and switch. Repeat 3 times.


‘Wheelbarrow Shuttle’

Wheelbarrow forward 5 yards and complete 1 Merkin. Wheelbarrow backward and complete 2 Merkins. Wheelbarrow forward and complete 3 Merkins. Wheelbarrow backward and complete 4 Merkins. Wheelbarrow forward and complete 5 Merkins. Switch and complete.


‘Sally Squat’

To the song “Flower” by Moby (Bring Sally Up, Bring Sally Down) complete squats and follow the directions of the song. The song is about 3 ½ minutes of continues squats and holds!


‘ Tabata Tango’

Partner up for a Tabata Tango. 20 seconds on/10 seconds off for 8 sets equals 1 round of Tabata. We completed three rounds alternating the exercises with your partner.

Cinder Curls/Jump Ups

Decline Merkins/Cinder Overhead Press

Cinder Swing/Lunge Jumps



Mary did not make it into this workout.



Prayers for all and thankful for such a strong group of men! We prayed for the strengthening of family relationships and for those that are experience loss or are in need of healing. Extremely strong performance by the PAX of F3 South Wake today!