Thirty-four PAX congregated at Fetzer Track Monday morning for a sweaty beatdown, half going with Wuerffel to run the parking deck outside Kenan Stadium, the other half with YHC to work the grid over on the football practice field.

Wuerffel’s group jogged to the Bell Tower parking garage, divided into four-man teams, and did some vertical speed work.

First set –  each team did 120 merkins, 120 low fast flutters, and 120 Peter Parkers and then one lap of the parking garage (up the stairs to the top of the parking garage, across the top deck, down the second set of stairs to the lowest level of the garage, then back to the first set of stairs)

Second set –  120 merkins, 120 low fast flutters, and 120 Peter Parkers and then two vertical laps of the garage

Third set – 120 merkins, 120 flutters, and two vertical laps, then return to Fetzer.

In keeping with our efforts the last several months to split into two groups and offer one Heavy Metal/body-weight oriented option, YHC led his group to the field-turf area of the football practice complex.

Line up across goal line, bear crawl 10 yards, one merkin, bear crawl 10 more yards, two merkins, and on up until knockout out 10 merkins at the far end. Plank hold until everyone finishes.

Back in the other direction, walking lunges and Carolina Dry Docks.

Back in the other direction, crab walks and WWII situps.

And back one more time, bear crawls and burpees, finishing with at the far end.

A quick round of Four Corners, DOI leading 20 merkins in corner 1, Bouchet 20 CDD in corner 2 and Blindside 20 WWIIs in corner 3.

Then back to Fetzer for Mary: LBC x 20, Russian Hammer x 10, Heels to Heaven x 10, Parker Peters x 10, Mountain Climbers x 20.