YHC has not spent much time at centennial campus since escaping the beltline for a yankee led workout (north cary park, fridays, 0600). It was an honor to guest Q this morning as 10 pax arrive on a brisk and windy day for some fun, and to dodge the spying eyes of the NSA.

It is good to see that the ITB Pax have adopting the efficient method of carpooling to locations. It is both environmentally friendly and clown car-esque. Thanks gentlemen for rising above.

The VSF was planted and 11 pax began with a quick run around the parking lot, making sure to bob and weave to avoid detection.

The warmup started with good mornings x 15 but was interrupted when big brother decided to turn on the sprinklers while YHC was calling out the next exercise. “the next exercise is…over here.” We evaded the assault. and made our way to the parking deck.

Burpee shuttle up stairs. It is better to do this one at a time so “The Man” is left guessing.

Pax begins merkins. One by one we run up the stairs, doing descending burpees at each landing (5,4,3,2) until the top. Six inch hold at the top, followed by a high plank. Eyes wide, spotting the enemy.

Run to other side of deck, peoples chair x 10.

lunge walk suicides.

peoples chair x 10

downhill suicides

peoples chair x 10

Zoo escape: uphill bear crawls, gorillas, crab walks. That one really kept them on their toes.

Downhill lunge walk suicides.

uphill suicides.


Finally we escaped the *&^% deck and ran up the road to the handicap ramp.

dips x 10, inclines x 10, dips x 15, inclines x 15.

Partner plank/derkins x 10, flapjack.

run to quad

Plankorama: high plank x 15, chilcutt x 15, chilcutt sarkozy x 10, chilcut putin x 10, LPH x 3 around the circle.

Mary: LBC x 30, WWII x 40, Dolly x 10, Rosa x 10, Canonball x 10, heels to heaven x 10

Run to now dry warmup circle. merkins x 10, prison squats x 10, diamonds x 10, prison squats x 10, wide grips x 10. Take that Mr. NSA.

Run to Finish line!!!


Announcements: The Mule Part Deux Next Saturday, October 5, Pullen Park 6:00am. All other F3 Nation workouts cancelled :-).

Good job men, thanks for not mocking YHC, whose voice has decided it is time to change.