24 pax gathered in the first parking lot as a beacon emerged from the darkness. Elsinore’s head lamp appeared as a mysterious train headed our way through the morning gloom, with tales of ice and snow and less than ideal conditions on Sisyphus. With YHC at the Q, most knew we would venture down that fateful hill, but then didn’t realize it would be 3 ascents this fine morning.
Finally the total pax of 25 was assembled. We circled up to count off – leave no man behind – and then headed towards the tennis courts for the morning downPAINment.
- Strong work by the Pax today. A simple workout in structure dealt a lot of pain to all. Running in the mushy snow up Sisyphus reminded me of running in loose sand on the beach, but for the COLD, and dark, and did I mention Sisyphus. That was testing. Glad that you could push YHC and each other to better things.
- 3rd anniversary convergence this Saturday at Pullen. No other Saturday workouts.
- Whiplash is going 75-90 minutes beginning 3/14 for MudRun training. Longer runs and more intensity. Sounds like fun.
- Time to commit to #brr teams. A great fellowship event – hanging out in a van with 6 sweaty dudes for 36 hours while running 15 – 25 miles each. Sign me up! Loved it last year.
- Prayers to Doug as he undergoes Bone Marrow transplant this week.
- Prayers to Particle and family on his wedding this weekend, and upon the death of his fiance’s mother last week after a 4-year battle with cancer.