After a light rainfall, the park is empty.  So empty in fact that all the normal foot traffic isn’t there at 06:00, and most of the F3 PAX are not either.  2 men set out on a journey to conquer the fartsack and improve their overall fitness, read on for what happened.

jog 2 laps around parking lot
ssh x20
windmills x18

5 minute amrap of cindy:
5 pullups
10 merkins
15 squats

jog down the trails to the 40yd bridge for:
10x sprints (rest while partner does the sprint)

jog up to the picnic area for:
20x dips
15x step up to top of picnic table

jog over to sand court steps for stair training, 15 laps of various:
single steps
double steps
triple steps
single step hops
double step hops
single step shuffles

Jog up to the cars for Mary:
flutter kicks x20
bicycles x18
lbc x16
froggies x14
russian hammers x12
6″ leg hold x10

3:06 high plank hold