9 pax rolled in for what was the best summer workout weather to date for YHC. Sadly too many fartsacked and missed this start to the weekend – stars out and cool. Outside of lots of grumbling over Nabisco’s STAIR BEARS at BO, there was not much mumble chatter and no FNGs so we were off

Warm up jog to rock pile at Cary Parkway for lots of curls, lots of tricep extensions, and then more curls than before. Callahan chose unwisely again. Slow jog to trail bridge with stops on the was at Cary Pkwy trail head for left then right oblique crunches at 15 ct each and cross over single leg lifts to 30 each. Time to remember that it is dark back in those woods, takes a little time for eye adjustment

At the bridge for ‘bridge planks’ – feet and hands on the rails for 10 count down the line, lower hand hold one rung for 5 count down line, lower again for 3 count, and lower once more for 2 count

Mosey to volleyball court to play in the sand with stop at bottom of grassy hill for 15 cadence ct J Lo planks, 30 dying cockroaches at top of grass hill, and 30 LBC’s at court.

At court in the sand, backwards suicides on first 3 courts with 10 merkins at each stop for 60 total finished with 10 dying cockroaches and AMRAP then 10 ct LBCs once all pax finished.

Karaoke suicides with 5 burpees at each stop for 30 total then AMRAP alternating one legged Homer to Marge finished with 10 counts from pax once everyone finished.

Regular suicides with 5 starjumps at each stop then AMRAP alternating 15 ct superman and leg lifts finished with 15 count once all pax finished.

Backwards suicides on first 3 courts with 5 superstars [alternating jump squat, hands in the air and KNEE TO THE SAND] at each stop with AMRAP LBCs finished with 10 ct from pax once everyone finished.

Return and 25 merkins before COT.

9 pax enjoyed the brisk weather. YHC chose an unconventional F3 path this morning that was duly noted by many. There was comment that the sleeves would be coming out soon. CallaHATE needs another 20 degree drop in temperature before he stops showing off his guns. Burt was missed and sadly mumble chatter was held to a minimum. Remember we have the stair climb on 9/11 at 05:15 at Panera / Crabtree Mall. Bartman shared that there are just a few days left to HC for Go Ruck

Disco Duck asked everyone to pray for F3 men and their marriages – there are many that are struggling. Prayers to the men still looking for new careers. And lastly, prayers to Cee-Lo and Saban as they are now on the DL list. YHC took us out in prayer

On the way home from post, YHC pondered several of the comments made after COT that today’s workout was somewhat unconventional in the warm-up and the plan. Maybe a bit of YHC’s subconscious thinking emerged. So often we get in a rut and move in a general cadence without much thought or consideration as to the what or the why, doing things in a mechanical structure because that is the way it has been or is done. F3 challenges us every day, to take the red pill, to make ourselves better through tough decisions. But even with these challenges we take, we can become lazy in our approach, our thinking, and our methods. Often we need to shake up the foundation of the challenge.

Emerson: “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”