YHC has been busy with building the new home but wanted to make sure the PAX got credit for their hard work. Hot and humid was not what we expected but the 3 PAX gave it everything the had today!  Great work guys and it will pay off later during the fall weather and races coming up!

The Thang: Mosey to White Deer Parking Lot for some Circle of Death

5 Loops around the parking lot with 10 Burpees at the top, 10 Jumping Lunges at the bottom, 10 foot release squats at the picnic tables.

Indian Run to bottom of Lake Benson Park drive for some Plank Jack Suicides 4 rounds with 10 plank jacks after each round.

Group Run back to the flag for total distance of 3.7 Miles.

Solid work guys, major leakage accomplished.