The triple runs through #judge this week (as it should) and I am running back my first Judge post (with some alterations), which also coincided with Blue Crush’s 1 year anny.  Let’s see how it ages ….

Partner up

– Burpee Chase towards the lower lot until you get to dock near the lake. 2 burpees each time you catch your partner.

-Near the dock at the lake (25 merkins, 25 LBCs, and 25 squats – each person)

-Run up to the amphitheater – Bear crawl down the first staircase you hit running up the hill

-Do 25 irkins (each) in the mosh pit on stage and bear crawl up the stairs closet to the NC Museum of Art (all the way to the top – not halfway)

-At the top of the stairs, run to the parking lot where they used to park the fancy cars and do the exercises (25 Dry docks, 25 cockroaches, and 25 sumo squats – each person).

-Run back down to the dock past the amphitheater on your way down

-Rinse and repeat until 6:08. Team with most rotations (or partial rotations) wins the Big Bopper.