This morning I thought I’d throw in some multiplication to keep our minds as sharp as our bodies.

The thang:

Short warmup run to parking lot near Six Forks, then

SSH 30x

Imperial Walker 30x

Mountain Climber 30x

Good Morning 15x

Jack Webb’s/11’s


Ran across to the Captrust Tower.  Split into two groups.  Each group ran a Jacob’s Ladder up and down the stairs.  Instead of 7 merkins at the top and 1 LBC at the bottom, I decided to sprinkle in some multiplication using multiples of 5 (I initially thought about using multiples of 10 but thought wiser of it).  So…we did 35 merkins at the top, 5 LBCs back on the street, then 30 merkins at the top, followed by 10 LBCs, etc.  The top was officially 7 floors up, though the height between the ground and 2nd floor seems like two full stories, so I’ll round up and give us credit for 56 stories conquered.  Group 2 did 10 burpees OYO at the beginning, Group 1 did 10 burpees OYO at the end.


This ladder took the bulk of our time.  After finishing, we ran across Six Forks and sprinted back to our starting place.  Finished with American Hammer (80x).


Prayer requests:

Floppy Disk’s surgery