15 PAX for a beautiful morning and a run-of-the-mill beatdown that has become the new standard at Vortex.  It was a pleasure to lead you fellas…I’ll remember this one for a long time.  If you were there, you get it.

Warm Up:  Run around fields, 50x SSH with enthusiasm

The Thang:

Mosey to tennis courts for BLIMPS suicides:  5 burpees, 10 jump lunges, 15 Imp Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks, 30 Squats, sprint back across courts.  Plank-o-rama.  Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to playground:  each PAX gets two sets of pull-ups to failure while other PAX hit stations:  dips, pike merkins, step-ups, swing rows.

Mosey to field for Sandbag relays:  5 teams of 3.  150 squat thrusters per team…one other PAX doing abs (LBCs, dying cockroach, moutain climbers, etc.), other PAX runs length of field and back.  Same teams…death merkins (one merkin, drag sandbag and bear crawl, one merkin, etc.) the length of field…switch with runner on his way back, other PAX on abs.

No time or need for Mary.