Legend has it that Herschel Walker did not lift weights to become a beast of a running back.  He did pushups, squats, pull-ups, plank, and sprints.  So in this spirit, 7 PAX did too.

Jog toward base of hill.  Stop at fork in the road (and take it).  25SSH, 20 Good Morning, 20 Mountain Climbers, Calf Stretch.

Jog to bridge crossing 440.  10 Mericans, sprint to middle of bridge, 10 pull-ups, sprint to end of bridge, 10 prisoner squats, sprint back to middle of bridge, 10 pull-ups, sprint to end of bridge, 10 Mericans.  Plank for 2 minutes of varying sorts.  Repeat with 20, 30, 20, 10 reps at each stop (except pull-ups which were 5 at each stop).

Jog back to bottom of hill.  Indian run up the hill towards parking lot.  Stop at fork in the road (and take it) for some mid-workout Mary (30 LBC, 10 count 6″ leg lifts).  Indian run up to pork chop.  Stop for a second to take in the sunrise over the foggy art field.  Killer.  Now sprint back to parking lot.

COT, Announcements.  Reminder to be deliberate in relationships with wives, kids, parents, friends, whatever.  Don’t take them for granted.  MBB prayed it out.  Great morning and good work by the PAX.  (T Claps to Maize for completing workout with a probable broken toe.  Just rub some dirt on it and chew on a stick.)