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17 arrived to the construction site which temporarily leaves a lot of the toys normally available to DP as off limits … or gone. No FNGs, 1 visitor from N.Charlotte. Therefore disclaimer delivered but lacking the fervor that it deserves.

Jog around perimeter of parking lot, descend dirt path on right of building to grass area behind building.
-SSH x15 IC
-10 burpee OYO
-Good Morning x16 IC (oops not paying attention)
-10 burpee OYO
-Imperial Walker x15 IC
-10 burpee OYO
-Mountain Climber x15 IC

Ascend dirt path and pick out a rock along the way. Circle up again at top of hill for:
-Curl x10 IC slow/4-count
-Overhead Press x15 IC slow/4-count
-Bent over row x20 IC slow/4count

Meander with rock to curb in front of building
-Quick feet w/ rock x20 IC
-Jump up w/ rock 20 OYO
-Quick feet w/ rock x20 IC
-Jump up w/ rock 20 OYO

Traipse with rock to parking area
-Rock burpee broadjump ladder (1 merk/1 broadjump, 2 merk/2 broadjump, 3 merk/3 broadjump, etc. Go as high as it takes to get to first island (~1/3 of parking lot). All of this was with a rock

Temporary destination reached, set rocks down and line up on curb for Curb Crawls
-Bearcrawl to far curb, irkin x10 on curb. Backward bearcrawl back, decline plank jack x20 on curb.
-Forward crabwalk to far curb, decline (or would it be incline?) crab jack x10 on curb. Backward crabwalk back, mini dips x20 on curb.

Reunite with rock and continue up the parking lot (next ~1/3) performing rock burpee broadjump ladder described above (restarting at 1 and continuing up until reaching next island).

Carry rock to nearest parking line
-Forward ski mogul (jumping over line) from end of line to curb and then backward ski mogul back — then 5 rock squats
-Repeat moguls — then 10 rock squats
-Repeat moguls — then 15 rock squats
-Repeat moguls — then 20 rock squats

With rock, paint lines (parking lines) all the way back toward building in order to return rocks.

Trot back toward vehicles and circle up for
Heels to Heaven x15 IC
Hammer x15 IC
Homer to Marge x15 IC
LBC x15 IC
Low Country Crab x15 IC
Freddie Merc x25 IC


#F3Arena this week at Healing Transitions. Beginning in 2016, Arena will be held every week, alternating Q between HT residents and Pax outside of HT

HoJo looking for some affordable temporary (few months?) living quarters — perhaps a pet-sitting and/or yardwork type arrangement scenario. Let him know if you have or if you know of any such opportunity.

Dingo took us out graciously

A pinch hitting opportunity availed itself Wednesday afternoon as Costco had to bail on his commitment to the men of Dawn Patrol in order to finish hot-gluing a playhouse for his cat…or something. I let the urgent request age a bit to early evening, knowing that someone better/more deserving would pick it up. No responses or notifications sent out that someone had taken it. I binged another episode or two of ‘Making a Murderer’ on Netflix…checked, still nothing. I had visions of a very pissed off SiteQ/Dingo staring at his Twitterz machine and having to be stuck with the Q and then, as a sort of punishment, unleashing something worse than the 180 burpee mess he presented last week. So I fell on the grenade to save you guys that show up to DP and agreed to take the Q. You’re welcome.

♪ Rock of Ages…still Rollin ♪
Over 35% of today’s pax were in the 50+ category. Nice to see. And all kicked azz this morning thereby proving that Dawn Patrol is clearly the secret to athletic longevity.

I performed my first charitable act of 2016 and agreed to trade rocks with ManRam for the last two exercises. At that point his boulder left his arms 3 inches longer than when he started. Not sure where he found it but it was not an ordinary F3 rock that you normally see in ditches across the region. It was dark, dense, and angry. My entire body now feels that rock. My arms feel as heavy and sore as they used to after watching Wonder Woman for an hour in my room when I was 13.

Anyway, thanks…it was fun. I always get pretty cranked up to Q.
The Captain signing off and getting back to work.