11 pax and a Wilson posted at today’s version of Flood Zone. YHC was called in to pinch hit for the “injured” Popeye. I figured we’d stay in the concrete jungle after having ventured off campus for Wednesday’s Ethanol. We had 3 post for EC, and Duff showed face to do 7 burpees & 7 squat jumps. The rest of us ran over to the steps outside those new-dangled restaurants that face Glenwood. Did a standard Jacobs Ladder with burpees at the top and squat jumps at the bottom. Ran back over to meet the pax right on time. Ran toward the big ramp and stopped for Good Mornings X 20, Imperial Walkers X 10, and slow count ‘Meeicans X 10. Ran over to the base of the ramp and got on with it.

Pax were instructed to run up he ramp, do 20 flutters, run down the stairs and back over to the base of the ramp and do 20 flutters. Rinse and repeat for 15 minutes. Duff led from the rooter to the tooter. T claps.

Ran over to mens Belk where the line of street lamps are lined up. Took this next one from a Chippy Q at EBD a few weeks ago. We did a suicide stack with ‘Mericans. Sprint to 1st lamp do 1 ‘Merican. Run back to starting point and back to lamp, 2 ‘Mericans. Back to start, back to lamp, back to start, 3 ‘Mericans. Keep escalating sprints and ‘Mericans up to 10.

Run around the corner and line up on the wall.
Balls 10 count, bear crawl to low wall and back.
Balls 20 count, crab walk to low wall and back.
Balls 30 count, lunge walk to low wall and back.
People’s chair 5 count down the line.

Run back to start for Mary
Plank to squat, flutter, American Hammer


Arena today, Ethanol changing to running workout 2/24 with YoYo & Sampler as site Qs.

Prayers for family members of High Life & Overdraft. YHC took us out. Thanks men, I felt great when I got home this morning. #endorphins