It is well known that I am not a great runner and further evidenced by the fact that no team has recruited YHC for the BRR. Running is overrated but big burly girth is not. Look at Turkish Bath big and powerful and yes sweaty. While the PAX were mainly in shorts and T shirts Turkish Bath returned to ZH to show that even with months away he added clothing to make the workout more painful. This was a strong crowd that kept begging for more burpees and more burpees and well I obliged.

Warm Up

From the parking lot we had a nice fellowship run half away around Jaycee Park and stopped for a round of 15 Burpees OYO then continued to run another 100 yards and cranked out another 10 Burpees OYO and finished the run with another 100 yards, circled up and hit another 20 Burpees OYO based on Epoxy’s urging.

SSH 30 Cadence – GM 20 Cadence – Windmill 15 Cadence – Plankorama Regular/low/arm high

The Thang

Teams of three headed to the tennis court for relay runs with one balls to wall, the other people’s chair with the third member running to tag one out and flapjack. Approximately 12-15 sprints each and then circled up.

Round of Jack Webb with usual 1 Merkin to 4 shoulder press ratio. We took it to 10 Merkins and 40 SP which seriously started to suck but the crew hung tough and banged ’em out. Very high suck factor so we bear crawled back off courts and then ran to the shelter.

Epoxy had another great idea to continue the shoulder assault. Irkins and plenty of them starting with 20 single count on picnic bench then 10 on bench seat.

Irkins were followed by 20 cadence alternating step ups and then 50 cadence LBC. Because we hadn’t done enough upper body work yet Fungo thought we ought to grab some rocks or in his case boulder or BFR!

Rock work = 3 sets of 20 cadence curls/shoulder press/bent row/tricep extension. Again solid work by the PAX here and a time of hilarity as rocks were traded and Getty got stuck with Fungo’s BFR which was stupid big. And since the PAX were so driven we knocked out 10 rock Burpees to finish off and head with rocks back to the shelter.

Final rock work was PAX on their back’s on benches for overhead row with leg extension back into a crunch. We busted out 20 here and the PAX wanted more but I was done. But they begged for more so we agreed Balls to Wall shoulder touch was a good idea so we knocked out 14 in cadence. 14 because 15 was not possible.

Rocks thrown back in place and circled up for Mary of 20 cadence Fudd to Little Mama, 30 cadence flutter kicks and then 5 count of six inch leg hold around the PAX.

Announcements: Arena every Friday, Haven House 2nd and 4th Tuesday, The Mule on 3/5 Sign Up!!

Prayer Concerns: Wayne Watkins, Catherine Bracey and cyclist friend of Tarp’s