PAX of F3 Raleigh,
If 2020 has taught or reaffirmed anything, it’s that connection and the building of our communities helps us accelerate our Fitness, our Fellowship, and our Faith.
During the early onset of the pandemic and when F3 workouts were moved online, everyone immediately felt the impacts of not seeing our brothers in the gloom. Not running side by side and grinding through a workout. COTs were still shared, but upon our return, the standard “Ball of Man” wasn’t brought back to exercise caution and social distancing. To fill the gaps for the lack of in-person connection, most of us turned to group texts or messaging apps to keep in touch and check-in.
Thanks to Cottons leadership and the development of the 2020 Challenge, most, if not all of us, experienced new AOs, were led by a PAX we hadn’t met yet, or led a new workout ourselves and experienced a new set of mumble chatter. We learned exactly how strong the communities are across our Region.
To continue to accelerate the relationships that were developed this year and to establish a platform to develop new relationships, F3 Raleigh would benefit from a single way to connect.
To help initiate this, I’ve launched a few channels on GroupMe to discuss Faith (the belief in something bigger than yourself) and the QSource. Each channel will have its own description and guidelines to know what type of discussions to have.
There are a few ways to join these channels. Please see the instructions below.
New to GroupMe and need to sign up?
- Download GroupMe on your Apple or Android Device

2. Sign up for your free account!
3. Register yourself with all of the necessary information and click on one of the links listed below.
Already on GroupMe and want to join the channel?
Click on these links to join!
F3 Raleigh 3rd F:
F3 Raleigh Q Source:
All channels will be shareable and can be joined by clicking on the link. Anyone can invite others to join.
The 3rd F and QSource channels are just two of many that can be started. If you feel strongly about a certain topic, Feel free to launch your own channel. (For Example, there is an F3 Nutrition Club already on GroupMe. We talk about healthy eating habits, hold each other accountable, etc. Join here:
Please let me know what questions you have. I’m excited to start 2021 with a new way to have discussions with PAX across Raleigh.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year.
See you out in the gloom.
Coco Crisp