The hills-of-gloom is a special place, where everyone can come together with different exercisestyles and sharpen iron with your brothers

This morning we had a Total of 8 humbled gents. Which 6 were running miles of smiles and 2 were rucking it up buttercups

The running crowd always impressing, because they know what they have in store for them. The humidity, the hills and the miles of the Suck that makes them better in so many ways… mind body and spirit.

Where as for me I have taken on to this rucking thing. You get that complete workout while being able to bond with your brothers and release the stress of being The HIM and the troubles of daily life.

Thanks Maximus, we had an awesome Brodate your words of wisdom and your listening nature goes way further than you can imagine. Sharpening the iron along with relieving the tensions of life. Wow where was this F3 nation Thang years ago??

We as High Impact Males all have the basic Daly issues in life. Jobs, marriage, kids, financial issues, and just the pressures of not being The HIM we know we can be..

But we, as a group can win this battle. We can motivate each other. We can be that shoulder to lean on. We can be just the ear for listening

So lean on your brothers of the gloom. Sharpen the iron and push the rock with the brothership and we will continue to see great things and changes in our lives

Look to the SkyQ and pray for each other and thank Him for our daily blessings.

See you in the gloomness

Aye Apache!!