No FNGs, no professionals, but 22 UJ regulars showed up this morning and worked hard.

* imperial walkers
* Sir Fazio Arm Cicles

Burpee ladder thing. I set the timer on my phone to go off once per minute. With each alarm we would do burpees and then switch to a new exercise.
* LBCs until alarm goes off, 1 burpee
* Freddie Mercuries until alarm goes off, 2 burpees
* Flutter kicks until alarm goes off, 3 burpees
* WWII situps until alarm goes off, 4 burpees
* Old Fashioned Situps until alarm goes off, 5 burpees
* Squats until alarm goes off, 6 burpees
* Mountain climbers until alarm goes off, 7 burpees
* 6 in leg hold until alarm goes off, 8 burpees
* Squats until alarm goes off, 9 burpees
* low plank hold until alarm goes off, 10 burpees

Recover on the jog over to the bridge. Stop and do a set of dips — 15x, 10x, 15x

Applesauce run down Lassiter Mill rd. (about .6 miles).

Recover at the bottom of Old Lassiter Mill and partner up.

Partner carry up the hill for a bit.

Recover with a set of Wide Grip Merkins – 15x 10x 15x.

Jog back to the bridge and stop for a set of Irkins – 15x 10x 15x

Jog back to our starting point and line up.

Bear crawl to the JC Penny’s wall, squat hold. 10 Sumo Squat Jumps. Run to the other side and back, squat hold. 10 Sumo Squat Jumps. Rut to the other side and circle up.


LBCs 40x


Q slots open next month for UJ
Pig Pickin 22nd North Hills. Bring M’s and 2.0’s
Nov 3rd, 6:00pm 3rd F Event James White speaking on topic of ‘Uncomfortable’ — race, reconciliation, leadership
Hurricane Matthew
Selection participants

Zima took us out