20 Pax Ventured out with metal in hand after a 10x Good morning, 12x windmills, 10x imperial walkers and a lackluster disclaimer from shorty-shorts clad YHC involving a long train of “don’t hurt yourselves” with a side of blame shifting.
To begin: Pair up with someone that has the same weight bell as you. They are your partner for the rest of the workout. Pairs depart the parking lot for the first citizen’s rotunda building. Farmer carry the bells and switch as needed.
At the rotunda lawn: 20x Squat to high pull, 10x single arm overhead press L, 10x R.
Farmer relay to the first citizens deck: 20x Single Arm Swing, 20x curls. Backwards Jog up and around one level. 30x merkins, Jog back down.
20x squat to high pull, 20x skull crusher, 20x hammer. Backwards jog up and around 25x merkins and back down.
20x Single arm swings, 20x skull crusher, 10x kettle bell windshield wiper, 20x hammer Backwards jog up and around, 20x merkins. 20x single arm swings, 20x curls, 20x hammers.
Partner farmer carry to the grass behind the rotunda: 10x bent over row R, 10x L, 20x hammers, 20x box cutters, 20x LBCs, 10x bent over row R, 10x L, 20x WW2, 20x Freddie Mercury, 10x bent over row R, 10x L, 3 count 45 degree hold with kettle bell overhead around the horn.
Farmer carry back to the home parking lot.
Announcements: 2 workouts July 4th: Ambassador and Catalyst.
Come see Nessman play at Sola Coffee Friday at 6-8pm.
Huzzah for the new site Qs of Blitz- Cut me Mick and Gnard Dogg!
All prayed in the standard BOM and exeunt (to coffee)