The Shovel Flag was planted, men showed up early, and it began

The Thang:
SSH,Windmills,Merkins,Imperial Walkers,Mountain Cimbers (x10)
Run to parking lot for suicides
quick feet, mini jump ups (30 double counts of each), rinse and repeat
Down to PAIN Island for Push-o-Rama (led by Linda):
“Merkles”, Diamonds, Wide Arms, Declines and 1.5 minutes of all out “Merkles”
Run to ampitheatre for the afterburner (waking lunges followed by alternating incline merkins and dips, then a plank burnout)
6 minutes of Mary (flutters,freddie mercury,hello dolly, rosalitas, froggies, peter parkers, parker peters)
run up the hill and split into pairs for 2 sets of: 10 burpees, 10 squats, 10 second plank.
Run to the parking lot for: ssh, jump with no rope, squats followed by a LONG hold at the bottom

The Moleskin:
tclaps to everybody for Enthusiasm and Good Attitudes.  I don’t think we needed FEBA until halfway through
tclaps to Linda for leading the Push-o-Rama and more tclaps to Linda for calling Merkins Merkles!
Today we worked hard and had a lot of ‘bastard’ calls, but the PAX stayed strong.
This was the first week of no FNG’s and a couple of regulars were out of town.
tclaps to Money Hose for taking the Yellow Shirt to lead the new official Wednesday workout at Fletcher Park 06:15. The last couple weeks we have been trying this location out and the date/time works for a lot of people (11 PAX last week), now it is official.