If you are looking for a proven way to quicken the acceleration of your entire region by building the leaders who will pave the next 43 feet ahead, we have a plan for you!

We are looking for a few High Impact Men (HIMs) to join us at GrowRuck 17 in Pinehurst, NC on Nov 15 – 17.


Register here! You can make a full payment or a partial deposit.

This event is different than anything else your region can participant in, because it is specifically designed to focus on building leaders within your region as well as making connections to spread good idea and promote concentric growth between regions. There is nothing that promotes a regions Leadership Development Process like spending time under a log during GrowRuck!

We are looking for regions to commit to getting the first 5 signed up in the next 5 days to keep momentum rolling towards this ultimate CSAUP event. How many pax can we count on from your region?