Shovel Flag planted in the gloom.  Off 15 merry men went into the morning sun.


Warm Up
1/3 mile run through the hills and valleys
Mountain Climbers
Arm Circles
Imperial Walkers
Jog to Curbside
CK’s Evil Jump Medley (Repeat 3 Times)
Mini Jump Ups X 20
Alternating Curb Steps X 20


Down in the Dumps (Repeat 3 Times)
Team 1–Body squat hold
Team A–2 Lap sprint around parking area
Jog to Stone Amphitheater
F3 Workout Lab (Repeat 4 Times–Medley Style)
Incline Push Ups X 20
Tricep X 10
Incline Push Ups with Clap X 20
Decline Push Ups X 10 (1 Time)
Jump Up from a Body Squat Hold
Jog to Base of Hamburger Hill
Hill Work  (Repeat 5 Times)
Team 1–Low Plank Hold
Team A–Up Hill Sprint
Switch on the fly
6 Minutes of Mary
Hello Dolly
Standard Crunch (foot raise and hold)
Frederick A. Mercury
Alternating Crunches
Wind Sprints (X 4)
55 Yard Windsprints
Jog Back
Plankarama Cup of Coffee
High Plank
Single Arm, Single Leg (switch)
Recreational Field Work
Bobby Petrinos for 65 yards
Plowman’s Walk with 10 Merkins to finish
Remedial Firemen’s Carry
Your friendly neighborhood QIC mixed it up with some explosiveness drills and a direct assault on the quadriceps.  Pax answered the bell to a man.  The remedial firemen’s carry went so well that we can now implement actual firemen’s rescues on the second story of Money Hose’s House of Cats.  Stay tuned.
Announcement:  Make sure Howard has your email addresses.  Should be able to find him on the F3 website.  If you cannot, speak to him in the gloom.