The rain came in buckets, then it stopped.  The PAX drove up and planted the virtual shovel flag.  Time to begin.

Warmup: SSH x31, Imperial Walker x15, Good Mornings x15, Merkins x 5, Mountain Climbers x10
Smurf in teams of two: .75 mile run, 100 dips, 200 merkins, 300 squats, .75 mile run
SSH x30
Robert Plant x5
Bench jumps 2 sets of 10
The Lab: deadlifting picnic benches
Stretching: 15 various stretches as each PAX holds the count

The weather was perfect, a calm 61 degrees, no clouds, sun rising.  The PAX came with enthusiasm and warmed up like seasoned pros.  Once the bomb was dropped about doing ‘The Murph’, it got real quiet.  So quiet in fact, you could almost hear the lonely sound of 15 fart sacks.  As the PAX nervously looked around, I honestly thought WendellG would find an excuse to leave early.  A round of FEBA and we started.

As the workout went on the PAX did well, but FEBA was needed.  About 20 minutes into it some teams finished and Money Hose led them on a plank-a-rama until we all finished.
tclaps to Ball and Chain for getting married today!
tclaps to White Shoe for getting engaged yesterday!