- All F3 Regions in Wake County are coming together to supply almost 500 of our Wake County Foster Youth with their own backpacks to start the new year.
- WHEN: From NOW until July 28th (Friday)
- HOW: Use this link to sign up (or the QR Code below)
- WHAT: After you sign up use the Supplies List below to shop for the school age you chose. Buy and fill a backpack and get it to your Region’s Backpack Q (see Backpack Qs list below)
- RECAP: Sign Up, Get Supplies List, Shop and Share, Give bags to Backpack Q.
- WHY: Besides the fact that it’s our mission to IMPACT the community, and that it’s a great way to support our schools, this is an opportunity for each of our foster youth to feel seen and set them up for success!!
- IMPORTANT! When you fill a backpack drop a label/notecard/sheet, in the front pocket with “HIGH SCHOOL” “MIDDLE” or “ELEMENTARY” so we know how to distribute it!!!
Wake County Public School System and Dept of Health and Human Services has tasked Fostering Hope with supplying back to school backpacks for the foster youth in Wake County. There are approx. 500 foster youth in Wake County and so there’s a need for about 450 backpacks.
Our MISSION as F3 of Wake County is to supply 100-150 of those backpacks.
As F3 our mission is to plant grow and SERVE small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP. What better way to LEAD our community than to SERVE some of the most vulnerable of our youth. F3 utilizes WCPSS facilities throughout the county and so what an opportunity this is to give back in this way!
Step 1: Sign Up
We aren’t the only organization collecting backpacks so it’s VERY IMPORTANT that you SIGN UP on our google sheet and that you commit to what you sign up for:

Step 2: Supplies List
HIGH SCHOOL LIST (150 needed)
- 1 backpack (no red or blue bags, please)
- 2 packs of #2 pencils
- 1 pack of black pens
- 1 pack of blue pens
- 1 pack of colored pencils
- 2 highlighters
- 4 1″ 3 ring binders
- 1 pack college-ruled notebook paper
- 4 college-ruled spiral notebooks
- 1 small hand sanitizer
- BONUS ITEM: 1 graphing calculator
- 1 backpack (no red or blue bags, please)
- 6 various colored pocket folders
- 4 spiral notebooks
- 2 composition books
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 pack of #2 pencils
- 1 2″ three-ring binder
- 1 pack colored pencils
- 1 pack of college ruled paper
- 1 pack of black or blue pens
- 1 highlighter
- 1 red pen
- 1 small hand sanitizer
- 1 backpack
- 1 pack of construction paper
- 4 pocket folders
- 1 pack of #2 pencils
- 2 erasers
- 2 composition books
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 box of crayons
- 1 ruler
- 2 glue sticks
- 1 small hand sanitizer
Step 3: Share and Shop!
- This is NOT an F3 only event, this is a COMMUNITY event. Get your friends, coworkers, family, churches involved. Just make sure you get them signed up on the sheet and they get the backpack to you before the deadline.
- You can send the community link to anyone you want OR you can be the point for your group and add to the quantity under your name on the F3 sign up page.
Step 4: Backpack Qs
Guys in each region have stepped up to Q and will be your point of contact for questions and collections. Please contact them directly with any questions. If you need me I’m Shut-In (Carpex) on Slack or
- Carpex: Coco Crisp
- Green Level: Badlands, Stolen Valor, High School Musical
- NE Wake: Rio
- Peak City: Shut-In, Mohawk, Pet Sounds
- Raleigh: Bean Counter
- South Cary: Sbarro
- South Wake: Abe
Can I drop my backpack early?
Probably. You will need to talk to your Backpack Q
I don’t have time to shop, can I give money?
Probably. You will need to talk to your Backpack Q. I know in our region we always have someone willing to collect money and shop for others.
My church and/or community group is doing this already. Is it the same community initiative?
Probably not unless you use this Sign Up link for what you are doing:
This one is a bit unique because it’s specifically for the Foster Youth in Wake County.
I’d love to help lead this, how can I get more involved?
YES! We ALWAYS need more help. Contact the Backpack Q in your region immediately!
Is there a competition amongst the regions?
It was considered but nothing came of it. Do you have an idea? Lets hear it!
You mentioned Fostering Hope…what is that?
Fostering Hope is a ministry under Hope Community Church that partners with Wake County and foster families to provide support throughout the foster care system. The goal of Fostering Hope is to reduce the number of placements a child undergoes while in Foster Care and to support foster families in a way that enable them to love and support their kids as best they can while under their care.