A dozen men wandered into the depths of the concrete valley today, searching for answers that would only be found in themselves. It was emotional, deep, and very moving. So moving in fact, that when we reached the core section of our Dora 1-2-3, one man, who was visibly overwhelmed by the magnitude of the message being delivered, turned and said… “Dude, I gotta go take a dump.” It was…profound. “I’ll be back,” he said as he ran off toward the grand food court pavilion. A sliver of moon continued it’s rise over the glow of the metal halide lamps illuminating the upper deck, as a lone man ran off in search of answers. We could only nod and wish him the best, as we returned to the task at hand. That task, went something like this…

Moving Warm-Up
Run to the ramp, perform exercises at the base and top of each ramp, with sprints between:
SSH x20 – sprint ramp, plank
Mtn Climbers x20 – sprint flat, squat
Windmills x20 – sprint ramp, plank
Plank Jacks x20 – sprint flat, squat
Sumo Squat Jumps x15 – sprint ramp, plank
Double Merkin Burpees x10 OYO

Ramp Dora 1-2-3
Partner up. P1 does exercise while P2 sprints down the ramp and back. Flapjack until accumulative total is reached:
100 Merkins
200 LBCs
300 Squats
Freddie Mercuries x30

Pull-Up-Merkin COP
Run down a level and circle-up. Partners take turns doing Pull-ups x10 each, while remaining Pax do Merkin sets called by the partners doing Pull-ups. Called Merkins were: Wide-Grip, Partner Dirkins, Dry Docks, Peter Parkers, Spidermans, Diamonds

Ramp Work Reprise
Run back over to the ramp for 11s with Hammers & WWIIs. Sprint to the bottom, 10/1, sprint back up, 9/2, sprint down, 8/3, etc. Don’t get hit by a  car.
Plank work ’till all are in, including Chillcut Alternating Leg Lifts x20

Run stairs to the bottom, circle up for:
Dying Cockroach x20
Accelerating Flutter Kicks x30

No announcements.
Prayers for Pax member’s father dealing with dementia
Welcome brother from CLT
YHC took us out as gracefully as I could muster. Something I’ve taken on as a personal challenge to become better at doing. It’s often the last thing we think about when Qing. But when done well, it can have more impact that the entire 45 minutes leading up to it.

See you in the gloom,