Southwake’s Friday AO, Cletus, is named after a redneck of Holly Springs folkore.  He was said to be known as far away as Fuquay, spoke in double negatives, guzzled malt liquor, and claimed to have written the lyrics for Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “All I Can Do is Write About It” and the unintelligible quadruple negative “There ain’t no place I ain’t never gone.”  For two of us, Cletus’ rule of thumb “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” has been a driving force in our F3 experience.  I, like Cletus, lack creativity, and can’t come up with unique ideas so my workouts are repeato’s of previous workouts I’ve Q’d.  Sometimes I mix the elements in a different order in a feeble attempt to fool the Pax into thinking its the first time they’ve done that workout.  On the other hand, there is Stark’s 40 days straight of F3.  Since his first workout 8 weeks ago, Stark ain’t never missed a day with today making 40 beat downs in a row.  Much respect Brother.  To honor this achievement, Dead Bolt brought Cletus’ favorite juice for the Pax to sign and give to Stark.  No, that ain’t a big gulp of diet dew Stark’s holding in the photo (correction: I can’t post the picture but rest assured it was awesome).  That is 40 ozs of Old English.

Jogged over to opposite end of the half mile track and warmed up with 25 side shuffle hop, 10 good mornings, 20 crossover imperial walkers, 20 mountain climbers, 15 standard merkins, 20 arm cirlces

Brokeback Derkins: Partner up and run laps around the parking lot with partners running in opposite directions for the laps.  Every lap, partners stop where the partners meet and each do partner derkins where one partner is in plank and the other puts feet on their back and does 15 derkins.  Repeat for five sets of 15 derkins and 5 laps.

Over to hill for bear crawls down the hill, 10 burpees at bottom, jog up hill.  Repeato four times for 40 burpees.

Over to tennis courts for Mary.  30 Ukrainian hammers, 20 Freddie Mercurys, 15 low slow flutter, 15 LBC, Chill cut plank hold around the circle with a five count for each man.

Announcements:  Continued discussions surrounding the first annual Crawl event for Southwake F3.  Darby has taken the lead on planning.

Prayers for New Mexico’s cousin, Brony’s co-worker’s family, and Peak Week’s co-worker