Early morning and YHC was tired and wanted to fartsack. Good thing I knew that was a bad idea as I had the privilege to Q one of the best AOs in Raleigh.

Only a hand full of PAX, as most apparently went to HiFi. Well I had running in the schedule anyways. PAX of 10 took off through the park and up the stairs, pass the picnic shelter and to the cul-de-sac for COP.

COP: 20x Good morning, 10x Mountain Climbers, 15x Imperial Walkers

Partner Up and we are off running to the bell tower and stopping for Merkins and Burpees at the Pullen Theater and then at Player’s Retreat. Keep going to the Bank of America at Cameron Village and grab a curb. 10 baby erkins and 10 baby derkins. NEW WORKOUT ALERT!!! Not Beta tested. The half plank jack. Chill cut position and one arm off the ground and opposite leg off the ground while doing a jumping jack motion with both limbs, then alternate. Tough one, def need good coordination, however it is a great core workout.

Off we go again running to the corner of Clark and Horne where we did cumulative partner count, 100 LBCs, 40 Burpees. Then takeoff down Horne toward NCST. Grab a curb at State and do 10 Erkins / 10 Derkins. Squat hold and takeoff to the courtyard where we did 100 Reverse LBCs and partner wheel barrels up and down the courtyard steps. Time running short we take off back toward Pullen park. Stop at entrance of Pullen on Pullen Road. Squat hold until 6 fell in and then last was Run to the stone circle however you want to get there…….GO!!!!!!!!!! Mary once there with LBCs 25x Protractor for 3min, American Hammer to 25x.



  • The Arena needs guys to step up and attend in the absence of Duff and CW this week as Vector Victor Qs.

Prayer Request:

  • YHC as I start a new job at the end of the month.
  • Fudd’s friend and family.

Yoda took us out.


Pleasure to serve.