14 pax showed up for a beautiful morning that turned ugly. After extensive workout R&D (rip-off and duplicate), YHC had a pain-inducing morning planned thanks to Les Nessman’s Q at True Grit a few weeks back. Had planned to do this two weeks ago but got rained out. No rain, No FNGs, so we went straight to it with a quick warmup of SSH, Good Mornings, and Imperial Walkers.

Line up for an Indian Run out to entrance and around path to bottom of bridge. Partner up for…

Partner one starts bear crawling up path. Partner 2 runs up path and stops where it meets side path, performs 10 dying cockroaches, then runs back to meet partner. (seemed a lot shorter when I scouted it). Partner 2 takes over bear crawling while parter 1 runs. Repeat until make it to the stopping point. That was fun, let’s turnaround and do it again – this time crab walk and LBCs. After all PAX make it back to bridge, a couple of quick ten counts and we’re back at it – bear crawl again and Freddie Mercury’s. Yes, unfortunately there is time for one more round. YHC’s triceps were toast, so we broad jump/lunge walk back to bridge.

Plank hold, then recover on the mosey back to parking lot for

Heals to Heaven, No Cross Dollys, Plank holds, and finish off with American Hammers.

Done, thankfully.

Announcements – Haven House Corn Hole Tourney Sunday, Crucible fitness challenge Monday
Prayers – Kool Aid’s daughter graduating, and for the family and Friends of Nelson “Papa Smurf” Cooper
CDC took us out

Named this post Calvary – as you bear crawled or crab walked you kept looking up to see if your partner was close to coming to take over.
6 for EC – probably shouldn’t have done all those rock exercises 😉
Good to see Pop-a-lock found his way back this week – on time and didn’t lose his key. Kotters to Kool-Aid and to Mr. Slate (finally returning from Ruck)
Lot’s of twitter memorials today for Papa Smurf. Diagnosed with ALS 10 months ago, but the way he responded and lived his life should be an example and encouragement to all of us. It’s not what happens to you, but how you respond, that makes you who you are.