The somewhat outrageous humidity didn’t keep 18 PAX away from the Vortex. After an abbreviated warmup (SSHs, Windmills, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, more SSHs), we turned to the main event, a scaled-down version of the “Benoit,” a SEAL-style workout.  The main changes were cutting the three runs from 1 mile to 1/2 mile and eschewing the 20-lb vests…

The workout itself was pretty darn straightforward.  It consisted of three sets of: 25 burpees, 50 merkins, 75 air squats, and an 800-meter run. As soon as each PAX finished the run, he lined up in order of completion and began SSHs (in theory, at least; some stole a few seconds of recovery instead). Once all were SSH-ing, we paused for a ten-count then got into the plank position. The three PAX at the end of the line did another ten count and then started the second set; then the next three PAX after another ten count; then the next three; etc. (leveling the playing field a bit by delaying the start of the early finishers and forcing them to run a bit further). The sets did NOT get easier, but we kept up a good pace and finished all three in time to get in more fun.

We closed with a more poorly organized but still physically challenging sequence. Groups of three or four PAX alternated between wheelbarrow races, burpees, and cinderblock lifts. After eight minutes of arm pain, we finished with plank-o-rama in lieu of Mary.

What made today extra special was that seven PAX (Amphibious, Assisi, Count De Money, Dodger, Nails, Prancing Horse, and Wuerffel) squeezed in a service project at Forest View Elementary after the beatdown. We mulched, swept, pulled and hauled brush like the wind—ultimately checking off every task on the wish list provided by the staff and helping get the place ready for the first day of school. Prancing Horse went above and beyond and brought Starbucks coffee for each participant. Beautiful.

I’m grateful for the way F3 embodies so many things that are right with the world. Just seeing everyone out there this morning was good for my soul (and inspired the cheesy Chariots of Fire link above).