So as the PAX generously pointed out in multiple messages this would be YHC last workout for a week potentially 2.  You see, a minor outpatient procedure was taking place just a few short hours after Morning After to render this one’s chance of creating another 2.0 nearly 0%.


On the jog for 2 laps followed by a series of SSH, Cotton Pickers, Moroccan nightclubs.

A little follow the leader through the ladder until YHC was out of ideas

Miserable Mile(ish)

PAX jogged on the perimeter of the parking lot with 6 stops along the way.

  1. Burpees n=5
  2. Bear crawl around cones
  3. lunge walk from A to B
  4. Merkins n=20
  5. More lunge walks from A to B
  6. Crab walk around some cones

Repeated for several laps, YHC lost count

Over to the shelter on the jog for a modified Beast

Stopped on every line in the concrete from the asphalt to the center column.  Maybe 7 total?

  • monkey humpers IC
  • WWIIs
  • Get ups
  • Mountain Cimbers

Circled up for Mary with round the horn.