YHC decided to venture out from the usual to offer up his mad Q skillz to the Lourdes regulars.  Little did YHC realize when he signed up that it would be the morning after the NCAA Championship where those powder blue folks from a few towns over won.  Needless to say the crowd was limited.  With 9 pax total it was time to get moving.

The Thang:

Head out to Anderson for 5 burpee’s at the corner to make sure Nemo had caught up to the pax, and up to the lot behind the white office buildings to get the mornings work started.  Warm-ups of the regular variety, SSH’s GM’s, SNFAC’s and a few more.

Mosey about 30 feet over to the top of the next lot for a set of 11’s burpee’s and mericans, this sucked.

Circle up for stationary 11’s, WWII’s and flutters, this was worse than expected too!

Head to the back of the same lot for 4 corners, we did 3 or 4 loops & burpee’s were again called a few times.  This also was not fun.

Back to the site of the first set of 11’s for a set of 7’s with burpee’s and mericans again, you guessed it, more suck!

Back out to Anderson and down to the corner for 5 more burpee’s, then back to the start.  Circle up for a little have a nice day, and that was it!

YHC shared a little of what God is doing in my life and encouraged the pax to chose Jesus over the world, and to note the change in YHC’s life as an example of how awesome He is! Name0rama and a bit of time with the Man in charge, and we were done!

The Skin: Good site and a good crowd, Tony Danza proudly proclaimed his new title and was glad not to have Private Dancer as a name.  Good work by all, though the crowd was small there were still some old faithfull’s on top of some new faces.  YHC needs to try to write BB’s on the same day as the Q and they may be more detailed.

As always it was an honor to lead!

CW out