It was 20 degrees, so we got moving quickly by starting with a warm up of Side shuffle hop (x 15), Good mornings (x15), Fozio Arm circles (x15 both ways), additional Side Shuffle Hops by special request from Country Wide.

Next up, Indian run out of the park, left on Quail Hollow, left on Hardimont, left on Westgate, and then left back into the park.

First set of 11s, in the parking lot. Started with 10 merkins, a sprint down the hill to the entrance, and a Star Jump. We continued on from there. Oddly enough, the air temp did not get warmer. We finished with a low squat hold.

Second set of 11s, and things got interesting. We ran to the shelter in the woods where fogged glasses almost caused a detour into the lake. At the shelter, the plan was to do 10 box jumps, and 1 dip, with a set of 10 burpees O/Yo in between. Everyone stepped up to the park benches and charged forward with no fear. The Q, however, quickly realized he was too ambitious with his quantity of burpees, and called an audible to reduce the burpees to sets of 5.

After muddling through, we headed to the low wall.

Here we embarked on our third set of 11s: derkins and monkey humpers with a sprint up the side walk in between. Again, an audible was called when it was noted we were getting dangerously close to time. We got to 8 derkins and 3 humpers and headed in for merry.

Warm downs were dying cockroaches finished with low plank hold round the circle 10 count. Prayers and announcements were had and Yoda took us out with an excellent prayer, which seemed even more inspired than usual. Happy Martin Luther King Day.