A call went out across the Twitter-sphere on Friday, Catalyst was in need of a Q. Too often I’ve given excuses instead of my service. I’m working on that… but taking it out on the PAX while I’m at it.

I answered the call fully expecting it to be a PAX of 2, quality time for Elmer Fudd and YHC, while the rest join the party at Pullen. Great to see 11 quality men ready for a beatdown as I pulled in the parking lot.

SSH x30
Standard Merkin x15
Mountain Climber x15
Fazio Arm Circles x10 and reverse x10
Imperial Walkers x15

The thang:
Mosey to the front of school and line up.
Backpedal to the far side and sprint back.
Karaoke to the far side and Karaoke back.
Backpedal to the far side and sprint back.

Lunge walk x15
Carolina Dry Docks x10
Lunge Walk x15
Wide grip merkin x10
Lunge walk x15
Carolina Dry Docks x10

Backpedal back to the beginning.

Reverse Lunge walk x15
Wide grip merkin x10
Reverse lunge walk x15
Carolina Dry Dock x10
Reverse Lunge walk x15
10 Burpees OYO

We ended this misery very close to the entrance to the school, which has a very sturdy handrail… so new misery began…
Bulgarian split swat x5 (someone please make an F3 name for this!)
Australian merkin x5
BSS x10
AM x10
BSS x5
AM x5

Mosey around to the backside of the school, bear crawl down ramp to an unfriendly group of rocks. Select one and circle up on the basketball court.

Circuits and suicides:
Goblet Squat x15
shoulder press x10
Dan Jansen x15
curls x10
2 suicides on the other basketball court

Repeat this 3 more times, exchanging Dan Jansens for dead-lifts for last two sets. Return those rocks and head upstairs for the final 15 minutes.

Partner up.
Partner 1 peoples’ chair while partner 2 backpedals to the far end of the parking lot and sprints back.
circle up for high plank hold for a couple 10 counts, then the nippler x15.
1’s do BTTW while 2’s backpedal out and sprint back.
circle up for high plank hold for a couple 10 counts, then plankjack x15.

LBC x15
Hello Dolly x15
Freddy Mercury x15
Rosalita x15
LBC x15
Box Cutter x15
American Hammer x20
Low Plank hold for 10 count around the circle.

Mosey back to the shovel flag and we are done.

The Mule and Bull were discussed, you should be there.

YHC felt compelled to honor the legacy of Pullen Park (aka Plymouth Rock) with a brief history lesson. There was a time when Pullen was the only F3 site outside of Charlotte. Think about that. It was just 4 years ago. Think about THAT! F3 grew here and elsewhere because men stepped up, left the known and comfortable and met people in need where they were… we plant sites where they would be best for the men who don’t yet know F3, not for purposes of our convenience. It saddens me to loose Pullen, because I like tradition, but our greater tradition is reaching out, and that should take priority. Plus, who knows, Plymouth Rock may rise again…

What a great group of men this morning! Thank you for the privilege to serve you through the Q.