Beautiful morning at Midtown’s Eastgate Park. PAX of 17 slowly rolled into the parking lot with time running out.

Circle up in the parking lot

SSH x 20, Good Mornings x 15, Imperial Walkers x 15, Prisoner Squats x 15, Merkins x 15, Mountain Climbers x 15

Mosey over to the tennis courts, partner up, and line up along the sideline closest to the entrance ramp.

P1 runs to down to the farthest sideline and back 3 times while P2 completes the following exercises; 5 burpees, 10 Hand Release Merkins, WW2s until partner tags out

Each partner completed 5 sets.


Mosey over to the retaining walls adjacent to the playground

Group 11’s: Derkins(10)/Box Jumps(1)


Mosey over the damn and halt where the sidewalk meets Quail Hollow dr.

With your partner, partner chase to Millbrook Rd and back. 10 plank jacks every time you get tagged out. This trip was a little under 1.5 miles


Gather on the damn while everyone gets back and completed the following; 30 freddie mercuries IN CADENCE, and 50 Chill cutts IN CADENCE.



-Mule this Saturday. Sign up if you have not done so already

-Prayers for a PAX member’s neighborhood and 3 young individuals under 20 that are homeless

-Prayers for a PAX member’s mother who has been diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer and will begin chemotherapy soon for 3 months.

-Thanks to Yoda for closing us with a strong word of prayer.

-Fun Eastbound crew this morning. Felt like the workout went by really fast dividing it up into 3 segments. I’ve done that 11s set before and it still is brutal the 2nd time. T-claps to Yoda and Huh? for leading charge in the partner chase. I need Yoda to follow me around throughout the day and shout words of encouragement like he does during the workouts.

Was a pleasure to lead