19 Pax registered and 17 Pax made it out for a beautiful Saturday morning 5K to support the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.  Last year we eight runners, so next year we expect at least 34, based on Steroid’s math.

The day began with most meeting up at Martin Middle School and, inevitably, Au Pair’s complaints began.  “This is too far from the race.”  “My time is going to be slower because I have to jog over.”  “Where is my popsicle?”  You get the idea.

Despite this, F3 Raleigh persevered and brought it at the race.  11 of the Pax finished in the top 110 runners overall and all F3 men were easily in the top half of the more than 1,200 people who finished the race.

Tclaps to top F3 finisher Tongue and Groove, who was 24th overall with a time of 19.37.  Flatline was hot on his heels to take second for F3 and 38th overall.  It was suggested that the title of this backblast should be “Flatline smoked by girls loses to women”, but the race results confirm that only one female beat him across the finish line.  Accuracy is important.

Tclaps also to Burt for a top 75 overall finish and top five in his age group.  #respect

Tclaps to Larry David for knocking out his first ever race. #PR

Race results are here:

Thanks to all the F3 Pax and families who donated to our team.  Our goal was to raise $2,500 and we cleared the bar late this week.  Well done by all, and special Tclaps to Minnie for being our top fundraiser.

Last but not least, Caddie was missed today but congrats to him on the new arrival.  This is his event more than anyone’s and he was instrumental in planning it this year even though he couldn’t participate today.

After name-o-rama, each of the Pax told us who they ran for today.  Most had family members, friends, or co-workers affected by breast cancer.  About one in nine women will have breast cancer and our group was evidence of the impact of this disease.  Thanks very much to F3 Raleigh for an excellent showing for an important cause.