Saturday began with Hermine gone and the weather was great, when have we had mid-60s??? Seven PAX post for this nice workout with Banjo who had just finished his EC run.

0700 rings and I gather the boys on the curb for a little quick-feet warm-up before taking off for a short-run, with some Karaoke and backwards runs mixed for good measure.

Circle up for typical warm-up fare: 20 SSH, 15 Gooooooood Mooooooorning, 20 Seal Claps (clap jacks), and some cotton pickers.

With Warm-Ups done we mosey down the street, YHC calling a bear crawl in-between for good measure.  At the low parking lot, I have the PAX start with 4-corner merkins, 5 clap, 10, diamond, 15 wide, and 20 regular, planking at the end for some 10-count, arm raise planks.

Next-up, YHC calls for a 7s but really wanted 8s.  PAX performed 7 burpees at the far end of the parking lot with 1 prisoner squat after returning.  Rinse repeat, doing complex addition/subtraction. Shout-out to Banjo for doing one extra lap because he was that far ahead.

Done with the parking lot, it is time for a nice mosey over to the rock pile, with YHC telling the guys get a traveling rock (which in Tecumseh’s case is a non-traveling rock).  We circle up and perform first exercise with the rocks, a 5-count around the circle, with each PAX changing the count to suit their individual fitness desires.  Finished with that, YHC leads the guys, IN FORMATION, to the back stairs.

At the back stairs, PAX are instructed to perform rock hammers, 2 sets of 10 carrying the rock up the stairs and back.  When finished, we rock plank hold with some smatterings of 10-counts.

Now on the Dam, we perform a series of formation runs and rock exercises, presses, rock-rows, rock-curls, rock blahs until we reconvene back at the rock pile where several PAX trade-up for more weight to finish out with 5 count rock curls around the circle.  Returning the rock to the pile so that the putrid yellow water coming out that storm drain cannot escape, we Indian run to the kiosk.

At the kiosk we do two rounds of Guantanamo, just cause we haven’t done that in some time.  Jelly Belly jumped a little early, guess he was too excited to wait.  Moseyed over to the benches for some bench work, leg lifts, durkins, urkins, repeato.

Over to the field for some hill work, 10 star jumps at the top with 10 burpees, repeato.  We recover from that fun exercise with a walk, stagger to the road and a give-it-all-you-got run back to the parking lot.

With just enough time left, we performed a speed mary round in the parking lot, combos of hammers, box cutters, freddies, superman, and close-out with low-flutters.

COT was mixed-up, screwed-up by YHC but we eventually got it all in, including 22 push-ups for the veterans:

Prayers given for those that needed it and those that need it that we are not aware of.  Tecumseh took us out.

Honor leading you men this morning on a great day with great weather.