YHC tweeted the night before from the classic NES Mike Tyson Punchout to ‘be a winner like MAC and POST!” 11 PAX laced up the gloves and fought the fartsack to come out to the Agoge battlegrounds for some 10 rounds with Tyson AAAAAND a rock action. No FNG’s so YHC in his best LL Cool J impression sings “Agoge said knock you out!” Let’s do it.


IW X 25
GM X 20
Sir Fazio FWD X 10 – HOLD IT
Moroccan Night Clubs X 25 – HOLD IT
Sir Fazio BWD X 10 – HOLD IT
Moroccan Night Clubs X 25
(Fabio arrived thinking he missed SSH, SIKE! waited for him)
SSH X 25


Indian run up to Wingate and back down around Patterson Hall down to soccer field.

Grab a rock, YHC gave disclaimer a short sprint with the rock would ensue and this rock would be PAX and PAX alone’s rock.

10 ROUNDS s/ TYSON and A ROCK – cones were setup midfield and end of field. At first set of cones PAX will do X 10 of called rock work, sprint to end of field for X 20 of called exercise, back to cones for X 10 more of called rock work, sprint back to start and plank or squat hold.

ROUND 1 – 10 X Curls / 20 X Prisoner Squats / 10 X Curls / Plank holds
ROUND 2 – 10 X Shoulder press / 20 X Merkins / 10 X Shoulder press / Squat holds
ROUND 3 – 10 X Bent over row / 20 X Starjumps / 10 X Bent over row / Plank holds
ROUND 4 – 10 X Woodchoppers right / 20 X Sumo Squats / 10 X Woodschoppers right / Squat holds
ROUND 5 – 10 X Woodchoppers left / 20 X Diamond merkins / 10 X Woodchoppers left / Plank holds
ROUND 6 – 10 IC X Heavy Freddies / 20 X Chilljacks / 10 IC X Heavy Freddies / Squat holds
ROUND 7 – 10 X Chest Press / 20 X Air Squats / 10 X Chest press / Plank holds
ROUND 8 – 10 X Alt. Shoulder Taps / 20 X Dry Docks / 10 X Alt. Shoulder taps / Squat holds
(This round a PAX finished off with a duck walk, more on that in the moleskin)
ROUND 9 – 10 X Deadlifts / 20 X Nipplers / 10 X Deadlifts / Plank holds
ROUND 10- 10 X Tricep Ext. / 20 X BURPESS (there it is) / 10 X Tricep Ext. / Starplank

Patina had cone duty (thanks brother!) and rest of PAX returned rocks and back for some MARY/


LBC X 25
Heels to Heaven X 25
Rosalitas X 25
Boxcutters X 25



– Nameorama
– YHC shared this at Urban Jungle last week and wanted to share with Agoge PAX as well. Patina shared Darkhelmet’s moleskin from 1-1-16 convergence. In that he mentioned that for 45-60 minutes of our day, “It’s because for that one hour, I believe, we are about as free as we can be in our modern, over-technologized, overcomitted, over-everythinged lives. We’re free from roles that weigh us down, free from the constraints that life and the world put on us… We’re just free to BE.”

YHC challenged PAX that just as we are ‘free’ to POST, let’s ‘free’ ourselves in the same fashion and devote that time to our M and 2.0’s. Give them your time, effort, commitment just as you do F3. As we as brother’s sharpen one another, let us sharpen those close to us as well. AYE!!


– Q schedule wide open for all 3 NE Wake sites, sign up for Agoge, Excalibur and The Farm.
– Mudrun in April, 2 teams assembled, possible third? Let YHC, Patina or Audit know if interested.
– Mule on March 5. Audit and Lucky will make a call on The Farm for that Saturday.


– Traveling PAX this week.
– Field and Stream taking driver’s test this week (hate hate).
– Moonshine’s final interview for new position is Tuesday.

Snuffy took us out.


Good work today by all PAX and good showing for a winter morning at Agoge. Thanks to PAX for not calling me out on my girlie rock today. YHC tweaked his back Q’ing the Farm Saturday so had to be mindful of that. Great group of fellas up here and glad we can be just that around each other, fellas. One PAX I mentioned ripped a good one during one the sprints, I called him on duck walking and he corrected me saying “Naw, that’s just talking sh*t.” In my 42 years, never heard that one but got a good laugh out of me and nearby PAX, have to remember that one Snuff! And as always men, appreciate the opportunity to lead and grow along side you men, AYE!!