YHC was proud to lead 16 men in the chilly gloom of Raleigh’s Best AOtm, Urban Jungle, this morning. Even though it was quite brisk, it wasn’t as bad as Tuesday! The only easy day was yesterday, though, right? Anyway, with no FNGs and a lively crowd the disclaimer was not given and we jogged around the North Hills Shopping Center to get the blood flowing…


Jog around the shopping center, looping back around to the parking lot in front of Sleepy’s and the (new location of) Lenscrafters store. Circle up!

  • Imperial Walkers x 20
  • Standard Merkin x 20
  • SSH x 20
  • Good Morning x 20

The Thang

Partner up! P1 sprints to the bank and back while P2 does AMRAP Merkins, then flapjack. Repeat-O with P2 doing AMRAP LBCs; flapjack. Where was Fudd? More on that to come…One more time, with P2 this time doing AMRAP Dying Cockroaches; flapjack.

Jog between the buildings to the McAlister’s fountain:

  • P1 on the fountain, Alternating Left/Right Step-Ups x 20 and P2 does Squats x 20 – all in cadence. Flapjack
  • P1 on the fountain, Dips x 20 and P2 does Standard Merkins x 20 – all in cadence. Flapjack
  • Repeat entire thing x 3 for good measure.

Mosey from the fountain around to the far side of REI for People’s Chair. Stayed here a bit, switching through hands straight out, hands straight up, drop down lower, right leg out, then left leg out, etc.

Jog to the top of the hill that goes down to Target:

  • P1 runs to the bottom of the hill, does 5 Burpees, then runs back to the top. P2 does AMRAP Star Jumps. Flapjack. Squat Hold while PAX finishes.
  • P1 runs to the bottom of the hill, does 5 Standard Merkins, then runs back to the top. P2 does AMRAP Squats. Flapjack. Plank while all the PAX finish up.
  • P1 runs to the bottom of the hill, does 5 Swiss Merkins. P2 does AMRAP Homer to Marge (a.k.a. Elmer Fudd to ‘Lil Mama). Flapjack, Squat Hold while all the PAX finish up.

Jog back past REI on another brief tour of the heart of North Hills Shopping Center… Ending up at the fountain next to Mura:

  • P1 Bear Crawls down the steps, around to the left, and up the wheelchair ramp. P2 meanwhile does AMRAP Merkins. Flapjack.
  • Repeat-O but this time with P2 doing AMRAP WW2 Situps. Flapjack.

Once done, we jogged back to J.C. Penny. P1 then did Balls To The Wall while P2 ran to the far curb on the other side of the lot, performed 10 Quick Feet, then ran back to relieve P1. Flapjack.

For Mary, the PAX did x 20 of multiple ab exercises; American Hammers, Flutter Kick, Dying Cockroaches, and LBCs. That’s a wrap!

  • Announcement – Thirst Quenchers this coming Thursday at Q Shack of North Hills. Join your brothers in some 3rd F learning!
  • Prayer Requests – Cotton’s cousin who is just in her 20s and diagnosed with cancer… Mr. Rogers’ Uncle just passed away Monday from ALS (Lou Gherig’s disease)… Nemo mentioned an F3 brother needing our thoughts and prayers, and I have forgotten his name. Sorry…

CDC took us out with a prayer of thanksgiving.

Naked Moleskin

The PAX took off running this morning at the start and as we got down to our warm up we somehow lost Elmer Fudd? WTF dude it had only been 60 seconds… Anyway he found us before we got too far along. Now, he did accuse YHC of trying to shake him off… 🙂

Although it was cold at kickoff time, the PAX got warm pretty quickly. YHC had intentionally planned lots of “recovery on the run” to keep the fire burnin’ inside.

Azul out…