14 PAX fought the fartsack on a brisk January morning to get some work in.

Here’s what transpired:

Forward mosey to track, turn, backward mosey, turn, across field and circle up

5 burpees
20 Mtn climbers
5 burpees
10/10 Sir Fazio circles (done by Fazio himself)
5 burpees

Partner up- size matters.

Partner carry halfway around track, switching as needed, then sprint second half back to start.
Repeats x3
We started with an even number, and then Popeye joined us so Yoda bear crawled the field to silence the #mumblechatter
50 flutter kicks after 3rd lap

Recover on the run to the baseball field.

P1 runs the baseline, around outfield, and return while P2 does AMRAP of an exercise (to 150)…
– flutter kicks
– merkins
– LBC’s
– burpees (audible to 100)

Mosey to lower parking lot, past the pool, under the football field.

Hill sprints, x12 for each pair. Simple and sweet—P1 sprints the hill while P2 holds low plank. P2 fires up hill from prone position, repeat until pair hits 12 ascents.

To the pool house—people’s chair, x5 count each, BTW x5 count each, people’s chair (arms up) x5 count each, BTW x35 count

Finishing at the parking lot ramps for inverted pull-ups (x20), irkins x25.

Boom. Done.

Prayer requests were lifted up for those PAX who are injured, suffering through family troubles, and Yoda’s acquaintance Stephanie. Stephanie is a single mother who just lost a newborn after a premature delivery. This tragic loss serves as a constant reminder that life is too short, and we all must live every moment like it’s our last.

I’m always honored to lead such fine men. Great work today– those hills sounded better on paper! Also, YHC encourage’s all PAX to “break the routine” and attend workouts you normally wouldn’t. It’s great seeing new (and familiar) faces throughout RDU.
