Quick introduction to 3 Pax in attendance, “I am not a professional,” and thus it began…!

SSH x30
Imperial Walkers x30
Mountain climbers x20
Bent-over Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10
Bent-over fly x10
Repeat bent-over exercises
Quick feet x 30

The Thang
At midpoint between stairwells, 5 hand-release merkins
At base of stairwell, 5 hand-release merkins
Run to top, 5 star jumps
Midpoint between stairwells, 5 star jumps
Top of stairwell, 5 star jumps
Run to bottom, 5 hand-release merkins
Return to middle
Repeat same with 10 reps at each station
Repeat same with 10 Rosalitas for the merkins and 10 squat jumps for the star jumps
Repeat same with 15 double-pump Freddie Mercurys and 10 single-pump lunge jumps
Squat hold between each loop
Up one flight

Hand-release Merkin chase/Indian run all the way to the escalators by the restaurants
Bear-crawl down
Stair-barrow up and flapjack
7’s at top and bottom of stairwell: hand-release burpees and 4-count LBCs

Merkin chase to Belk wall
BTW, 20-count in cadence
People’s chair with 10-count each person

Return to start for Mary:
Box cutters x20
Low, slow flutter x20
WWII sit-ups x20
American Hammer x30


Prayer requests:
Mayhem’s mother-in-law is suffering with Rheumatoid arthritis
Mayhem’s business partner and mentor passed away suddenly last Thursday
Thoughts and prayers go out to Mayhem and his loved ones during a challenging time…

Mayhem took us out…