It was a perfect morning to scope out Danger Zones satellite campus that has so many untapped promises. Pax called and notified they were running a little late due to the unfriendly weather conditions. But at 7:05 we were off. Starting at the top of the deck we warmed up with an easy jog around the deck to the bottom finishing with a little side straddle hop.
YHC outlined the mornings plan. Run around the deck from the bottom to the top, back to the bottom, and then back to the top. On each level we would stop for 10 box jumps (110 total). On each round there are 16 post we would stop at eight of them on each level
Level 1. Five pull-ups each at the four corners, crawl bear at each end
Level 2. Increasing Burpee’s starting with one going to eight. 63 total
Level 3. Dying cockroach 10 count each
Level 4. Merkins 10 Count each
Level 5. Alternating squats and jump lunges 10 count each (Callahan)
Level 4. Alternating mahktar jives and starjumps 10 count bleach (Term Paper)
Level 3. Alternating left and right oblique crunches 10 count each
Level 2. Alternating World War II and hammers 10 count each
Level 1. Alternating CDD and ? (What was it Callahan?) 10 ct each, karaoke between (Callahan)
Level 2. Alternating diamond Merkens and LBC 10 count each (Term Paper)
Level 3. Vertical traveling irkins 12 count each at only five stops before heading up for Mary lightening round.
Heels to heaven, hello Dolly, asst planks, dying cockroach, LBC, Freddy Mercury.
Three pax, two respects, one hate – median age = 50
No new announcements
Prayer concerns were silent
Term Paper took us out in prayer before heading off to the gym to pick up his wife.
8:15, another F3 Saturday am is in the record book.
Men were a bit quiet this am. Glad they showed up at this impromptu work out on this beautiful snowy morning and getting my &$$ out of bed. Fartsackers, you missed lots of fun. This was originally yesterday’s Q plan. #DryHands