8 swift PAX came out on this relatively balmy 37-degree morning; no FNGs, so brief disclaimer given and we ventured out to an area we hadn’t been to in awhile.

• Jog down and back entrance road, circle up under the lights near the rock pile. (All counts throughout the workout were 4-counts and the numbers listed are to the best of YHC’s recollection.)
• SSH’s x 25
• Good mornings x 15

  • Mountain climbers x 25
  • Imperial walkers x 20

The Thang

Head past the rock pile, bear crawl up the hill, then run through the darkness (great to have 3 or 4 headlamps) across all the fields to the far side behind the school; stopped once along the way to stay together and do plank hold with variations.

Partner up (size does not matter) near the playground equipment:
• For two sets of partners, each PAX completes 20 pull-ups, while other partner does burpees (or assists as needed)

• At the same time, the other two sets of partners are near the parallel bars and each PAX completes 20 dips on the parallel bars, while other partner does prisoner squats

•Switch stations, so that each PAX has done all of the above
Mosey over to the gravel track
•PAX alternate running a lap around the track while your partner completes an exercise
o first two laps each,LBCs
o next two laps each, Freddie Mercury’s

Mosey around to the front of the school near the steps

  • Derkins x 20
  • Side Squats x 40 (20 with left leg on higher step, 20 with right leg higher)

People’s chair for 10-count down the line

BTTW for 10-count down the line

  • Derkins x 20
  • Side squats x 40

Run back across all the fields and past the rock pile.  Here’s where the title of the BB comes in — after faithfully calling out the bumps, curbs, soccer goals, etc. we encountered along the way, YHC somehow forgot about the chain that’s always next to the rock pile and ran into it as my headlamp shined above it.  Lucky it hit me in the meaty part of the thighs, so no injuries and continued on my way, although it left red marks for a couple days.

Continue running up the driveway and to the picnic shelter for

• Urkens x 20

  • Dips x 20
  • Mountain climbers x 20
  • Box-jumps/jump-ups x 20 (OYO)
  • Urkens x 15
  • Dips x 15
  • Mountain climbers x 25




3rd  F Forum continues at noon on Mondays at Panera Bread on Six Forks (near Whole Foods)

Haven House continuing twice a month, and Healing Place happening this afternoon (with a resident leading today)


Prayer requests:

Pothole’s family member will be undergoing treatment (YHC apologizes, I am forgetting the details writing up the BB a few days later)

Thanks to Mr. Slate for taking us out in prayer.  YHC’s pleasure to lead this fine group of PAX!