
Quick FeetX50
Paint the Lines

The Thang:
YHC explained 4 corners while Snuffy ensured everyone was on the same page by demonstrating the sign for a 4 corners offense.

1st Corner: 10 Carolina Dry Docks
2nd Corner: 10 Jumping Lunges (5 on each leg)
3rd Corner: 10 Burpees
4th Corner: 10 Team Curls using the 2 logs that YHC brought.  Jokes about “wood” ensued…

The course was approximately ¼ mile long and the PAX made 9 laps.  For those of you that are mathematically challenged, that is: 2.25 miles of running, 90 Carolina Dry Docks, 90 Jumping Lunges, 90 Burpees and 90 Team Curls.  Somewhere around lap 5, YHC explained that some of us might be hitting a “wall” and just like challenges in life, we need to climb over them.  There was mumblechatter about how “Life Sucks” and Fabio exclaimed that was the title of the sermon he listened to on Sunday.  We do not have to worry about Fabio’s church preaching the prosperity gospel.

Navy Seal Sit Ups for 4 minutes.


YHC shared Dark Helmet’s summary of F3 (from the 5 year convergence back blast): “As always, there were a couple of guys who were definitely there to prove they were fitter than the rest of us. That’s cool, you’re welcome here. There were a couple of guys who were clearly struggling to keep up at all. That’s cool, you’re welcome here. There were guys who wear blue collars all week long. That’s cool, you’re welcome here. There were guys whose net worth is that of a small country in certain parts of the world. That’s cool, you’re welcome here, too. Black, white, fast, slow, tall, short, rich, poor, fat, thin… all irrelevant. Welcome is what you are when you are here. It is this way because for that one hour, we all look basically the same (you know the uniform…) so you don’t know who is rich or poor or otherwise. For that one hour, we all basically act the same (unless you are Apache), we’re here to workout and fellowship a little. No one is elected, there is no hierarchy, no one is grading your performance… You know what it is? It’s because for that one hour, I believe, we are about as free as we can be in our modern, over-technologized, overcommitted, over-everythinged lives. We’re free from roles that weigh us down, free from the constraints that life and the world put on us… We’re just free to BE. That’s why we plant a flag, hustle, then take a knee at the end to give thanks to the SkyQ.”

Q’s and PAX needed at the Farm on Saturdays.
Q’s needed for month of February at Agoge.
Mud Run in April.  BiLo is a hard commit.

Prayer Requests:
Moonshine’s Mom and her health.
Nader’s Sister starts Chemo today, will last for 12 months.

Palin took us out.

Naked Moleskin:
It was good to see Field&Stream amble up to the #shovelflag for a second time.  Ironically, Anonymous and Handy were missing.  Hmmmm…

I still get nervous when it is my time to Q, but it is always good for my soul.  I’m thankful for the PAX that choose to leave the comfort of their warm bed and choose to sweat, groan, and work for 45 minutes with me.  As Moonshine says, “F3 is too good to not share”.