Man it was cold this morning.  We have been blessed with warm weather so far -today sucked!  17 hardy PAX came ready.  New Site Q’s Singlewide and Franzia have some big shoes to follow after the great show put on by Mr. Rogers and Epoxy.  The Forge is a historic site for F3 Raleigh and the new site Q’s are stepping up the game by adding extra credit-Franzia and Singlewide were the only 2 for extra credit so guys keep selling.

No FNG’s so off we go.  Run from the parking lot through the park and around the lake- circle up.

ssh 25x

Good Mornings 15x

Imperial Walkers 20x

Fazio Arm Circles 15x forward 15x reverse

Mountain Climbers 20x hold when finished

Merkins 10x

Recover on the jog:  Run to the swimming complex parking lot.

The Thang:

Partner up- Parnter 1 runs across first parking lot- bear crawls up the grass hill- runs across the second parking lot- runs back to starting block and taps out partner 2

Partner 2 -does burpees until partner taps him out

Repeat the loop until 100 burpees completed as a team.

Thanks Dingo.

Recover on the jog to picnic shelter- This shelter was occupied and being slept in- we moved to the next shelter;

Left/Right-step up 20x

Dips 15x

Erkins 15x (I think)

Derkins 15x

Left/Right step up 20x

Dips 15x

Erkins 12x

Derkins 10x

Recover on the run back to the bottom lot.

Run up the hill stopping at each light

5 merkins

10 merkins

15 merkins

run back down

10 merkins

5 merkins

Repeat –

5 sumo squat jumps

10 sumo squat jumps

15 sumo squat jumps

10 sumo squat jumps

5 sumop squat jumps

jog to Franzia’s pump house

People;s chair

2 Pax 10 counts


2 Pax 10 counts

jog to bottom of hill

Sprint to the top of hill

jog to Park for Mary

LBC 25x

Heels to Heaven 20x

Homer to Marge 15 x




Arena Friday

Prayer Request;


Yoda- family friends Mother in Hospital-Daughter terminally ill

Overdraft sister -in law- fighting cancer


Steroid took us out in Prayer- Thank you.

F3 started for me at the Forge- That day I never thought I would be able to Q this event much less make it another day- truly amazed – I am humbled, grateful to be able to now do so- I owe this to the men of F3 and God- Thank you.

Elmer Fudd