Great sized crowd this morning due to the holiday.  A strong group of 14 PAX showed up ready to take on the weekend.  A good number to crush a workout.  First thing first.  Fava Bean and BoxJump met for Extra Credit even though some other PAX came early only to watch.  The call by Fava Bean was for the Merkin Minute.  Got the blood flowing for the start of the morning.

A circle up in the wet grass with the world’s greatest stretch.  We laid down on the grass to go ahead and let the wetness sink in.  low plank hold and set of merkins in between.  move to SSHx25, Imperial Walkers x 15.  Done so let’s move on.

The Thang:

Partner up for handshake merkins x 20 and bro-squats x 20.  After that the PAX attempted a quick indian run around the block, but YHC noticed the pace was garbage and called it off before the hill at Lourdes.  Instead we ran a burpee suicide at 5,10,15.  walk to the parking deck for something named “reading the newspaper”  (if name is already out there, speak up.)  <— A people’s chair while crossing a leg, 5 count and switch leg all the way down the line.  Move into a three part pyramid (merkins, prisoner squats and LBCs) 5,10,15,20 and back down.  back to the wall to read the newspaper, then balls to wall while doing mountain climbers.

at the end of the garage partner up.  one partner runs the length of the garage and back then switches out.  The team completes 50 burpees, 100 star jumps and 200 LBCs.

down the hill for a full out sprint race back to the shovel flag.  YHC won, but did get the jump by saying go…so it came down to Fava Bean and Sheehey.  Circle up for merry.


-slow V down and pop up

finish off with Guantanamo.

COT – keeping Tiger Beat in our prayers as well as those traveling for the holiday.  Stay safe and watch out for those not in control.  Thank you to all the men and women who fight for us today and continue to keep that independence alive for this great nation.

Yoda with an excellent outro to finish the workout and begin the day strong and enlightened.