Attention: There will be a kickoff cookout at Healing Transitions from 5 to 6pm on Thursday, October 19th. Registration required:

If you haven’t heard of the Oakwood 24, just know that it is the crown jewel of Frey Daddy’s annual fundraising efforts. This event benefits Healing Transitions. Last year $200k was raised and this year we are hopeful for $250K. We already had a corporate donation of $50k to jumpstart the fundraising and are currently sitting at $70k committed as of mid-September.
Date: December 22 9am- December 23 9am, 2023; Multi-region convergence the final hour, from 8-9am Saturday December 23
Location: Historic Oakwood Cemetery
New this year will be a 12 hour or 24 hour team relay that will be competitive with prizes, etc. This is sponsored and organized by Runologie. Registration link:
Media updates!
Podcast with Amanda Lamb:
WRAL noon newscast on December 18th, Frey Daddy & Chris Budnick interview: